I've an application deployed in Tomcat with Apache as a webserver. So, when user hit the URL : https://foobar.com/foo , the application page is rendered. I've a redirect configuration done in httpd.conf as follows

ProxyPass        /foo  https://dreams.pok.com:2820/foo
ProxyPassReverse /foo  https://dreams.pok.com:2820/foo

Now the problem is, I want my users to just hit https://foobar.com and automatically get redirected to https://foobar.com/foo.

How can this be achieved please ...?

1 Answer 1


As long as you have mod_rewrite enabled you can use

Redirect / /foo
Redirect /index.html /foo

Another option would be to edit you index file or redirect using headers.

  • /foo is actually getting redirected to my tomcat application server. There is no index.html.
    – NewLands
    Feb 9, 2016 at 16:27

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