Questions tagged [amazon-linux]

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How to install moreutils on AL2023

If I run docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/bin/bash fedora:latest dnf install moreutils it works. If I run: 19:57:34:~/ $ docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=/bin/bash
Richard Wheeldon's user avatar
0 votes
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How to Setup Automatic Security Updates on AWS Linux AL2023?

With Amazon Linux 2 I would automatically apply security updates using yum-cron and something like: # turn on automatic security updates set -ex sudo yum update -y sudo yum install yum-cron -y sudo ...
YoungDinosaur's user avatar
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Install FreeIPA on Amazon Linux 2023

The goal is to install "freeipa" on Amazon Linux 2023 AMI. Amazon Linux 2023 doesn't officially support the package by default, due to this AMI is made of Fedora 34, 35, 36, and CentOS 9 ...
Igor Ferretti's user avatar
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pm2 in systemd not actually starting processes

I'm having an issue where I'm running pm2 as pm2-root under systemd (this is on Amazon Linux2023). The daemon runs fine, and if a process dies, it restarts it fine. However, if the server reboots, pm2-...
philolegein's user avatar
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FreeIPA on Amazon Linux 2023

I want to install the FreeIPA client on Amazon Linux 2023. Unfortunately, Amazon Linux 2023 doesn't officially support the package. As a workaround I installed the Fedora repositories and managed to ...
Michael Angel P.'s user avatar
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Amazon Linux 2023: systcl kernel parameters - network - hardening and tuning review

We are in the process of transitioning to Amazon Gnu/Linux 2023, and during the course of this migration, I came across some Ansible code that modifies kernel parameters. I would greatly appreciate it ...
Ygor Thomaz's user avatar
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Amazon Linux 2023 systemd dependencies on cloud-init: Getting ordering cycle

I have a templated systemd service that depends on cloud-init to be done on Amazon Linux 2023. [Unit] Description=My service [Service] Type=exec EnvironmentFile=/local/...
MikeJansen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Domain user directory being created as /home/username@domain instead of /home/username

I am using an amazon linux 2023 box and i joined the instance to domain using realmd. The issue is that when i try to login with my AD credentials, the user directory is being created as /home/...
Mervin Hemaraju's user avatar
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SSH using AD credentials only works for username@[email protected] and not [email protected] [duplicate]

I built a new server using Amazon Linux 2023 and I join it to our domain avengers using realmd. I am however getting an issue where i can't login to the server with this command [email protected] but ...
Mervin Hemaraju's user avatar
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How to install Gnumeric/ssconvert no Amazon Linux 2?

I cannot find gnumeric/ssconvert package for Amazon Linux 2 (using yum). I tried to compile the source code with error. Is there any easier way to install it? Compile Error [ec2-user@ip-172-31-6-34 ...
Andre's user avatar
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Amazon Linux 2023 HTTPD failed to start

I have an AWS instance which I use on demand, I was trying to boot it up and start apache but got this error which I have looked up and couldn't get anywhere near resolving or diagnosing it The job ...
megz's user avatar
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Installing ODBC 18 driver on Amazon Linux

I see instructions from MS site on how to install ODBC drivers on various Linux distributions but not for Amazon Linux.
Meringros's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How to install and configure Redis server on Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023)?

Amazon Linux 2023 is loosely based on Fedora 34, 35 and 36 as per aws: However redis package is not available in AL2023, instead ...
VIVEK's user avatar
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AmazonLinux 2022 Fails to Run PHP Scripts - Error AH02454

I am attempting to run basic PHP scripts on an Amazon Linux 2022 or Amazon Linux 2023 server instance. I followed the directions here and when I request index.html it serves a static page fine. ...
Steve's user avatar
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What are the differences between the migration options for Elastic Beanstalk Multi-container Docker environments to AL2?

We're running an Elastic Beanstalk Multi-container Docker environment on Amazon Linux 1, which has been deprecated and needs to be migrated to Amazon Linux 2. The documentation presents two options ...
Dario Seidl's user avatar
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How do I install third party packages from non-default repositories in Amazon Linux?

My ultimate goal is to create a Docker image with a particular binary installed (loudgain) that I can run functions on. As above, claims the binary is available from both "fedora-updates&...
Robert Atkins's user avatar
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Why does status says it's dead and subsys locked, but it still running without issue?

Whenever I start Amavisd, the reports starting OK, but a status check says it's dead. $ service amavisd start Starting amavisd: [ OK ] $ service amavisd ...
dandan's user avatar
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Is there a way to read dmesg.old with absolute timestamps

Is there a way, using dmesg or otherwise to see the data in /var/log/dmesg.old with an absolute timestamp? I'm trying to get the same effect as dmesg -T but on older data. I'm using Amazon Linux AMI ...
Uberhumus's user avatar
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How to connect two adapters to aws linux 2 with virtulabox?

I followed this video link and able to use amazon linux 2 with virtualbox. But this video shows only one network adapter(bridged). I connected two network adapters(NAT and Host-Only) but only the ...
uday kiran reddy's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Reducing Amazon EBS Root Volume Size on Amazon Linux 1

I have been trying to reduce the size of my Amazon Linux 1 AMI root volume using the procedure in this documentation (with some modifications made after failing to do so) and continuously run into ...
Rolo787's user avatar
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Downtime on an EC2 instance

Recently I had an issue on an EC2 instance. The site running there was unavailable for 2 hours: CPU utilization for the past week: The rest are around the time it happened: The systemd journal ...
x-yuri's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Yum has no repositories

I'm a frontend web developer and struggling with this backend stuff! My goal here is to install and update to PHP 7.4 on my AWS EC2 server. I need yum to install amazon-linux-extras but yum has no ...
Sambuxc's user avatar
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Error getting the correct Python3 dependency

I get this error when trying to install HTCondor on Amazon Linux 2 instance: Error: Package: python3-condor-8.8.15-1.el7.x86_64 (htcondor-stable) Requires: I ...
Caterina's user avatar
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Install certbot nginx in Amazon Linux AMI

i have a really old amazon linux ami in which i need to install certbot for my nginx which is running a php website. Now i need to install ssl on this website. But i cannot install certbot-nginx on my ...
MD Nasirul Islam's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Setting up sftp on Amazon Linux 2 with ssh keys, user segregation (sftp vs ssh), different ports, and user directory constraints

TDLR: I have a Catch 22 where, depending on permissions on the user's home directory, I can get the SSH authentication to work, or the user directory constraints, but not both. BTW, I really want to ...
Kevin Buchs's user avatar
5 votes
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Upgrading command line tools to support TLS1.3 on Amazon Linux 2

A server I need to communicate with only allows TLS1.3 traffic. I have thus updated the version of OpenSSL bundled with Amazon Linux 2 to OpenSSL 1.1.1c. Following this guide I am now able to use TLS ...
Anon957's user avatar
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Intermittent "Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address" on port 80

We are experiencing intermittent "Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address" on port 80 failures on our servers. I have looked at other answers and they are ...
Elijah Lynn's user avatar
1 vote
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Instance created from (working) Lightsail snapshot will not respond to nginx requests

I'm trying to scale up a Lightsail instance. It's a basic Wordpress site on an Amazon Linux 2 AMI running nginx and mariadb. It's using a static IP. Works fine. When I create a snapshot of it, use it ...
Jailbot's user avatar
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Where to find/how to install `libclang-*.so.1` on CentOS?

I am trying to find a library of libclang-*.so.1 on centOS, but didn't find it anywhere. I have already installed clang and llvm-toolset-7.0. Any suggestions are welcome.
John M.'s user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to get the latest kernel package on AWS EC2

I manage some EC2 instances running Amazon Linux (not sure what version), which need security patches. A lot of software was patched well, but we have stuck on the kernel upgrade. We are unable to use ...
WICHPONG KAO-IAN's user avatar
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chmod/chown/mkdir: Operation not permitted as root

I get Operation not permitted for root user on one server but not on the other "identical" server. Running on Amazon Linux 1. Server 1: [root@preprod-1 ]# chown root:root /s3mnt/outliers/ ...
masterpiece's user avatar
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Installing PCNTL module for PHP7.4 on Amazon Linux

I'm using amazon linux2 and trying to install pcntl extension for php7.4.9. There are no package for pcntl after run yum search pcntl, so I manually copied file to /usr/lib64/php/modules and ...
HoangNK's user avatar
9 votes
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Any way to migrate AWS T3 x64 to T4G ARM?

Is there any easy way to migrate from aws x64 to arm arch? like without configuring a new arm based server and installing packages and file? it is currently running with Amazon linux AMI, we wish to ...
Ruben John's user avatar
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Let's Encrypt problems with Bitnami stack and Lego, on an Amazon Linux (not 2) instance

We have an Amazon Linux (not Amazon Linux 2) instance, running a fairly old Bitnami Trac/SVN stack, and also running a Tomcat server. It has two instances of httpd: the one that's part of the Bitnami ...
hbquikcomjamesl's user avatar
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Trying to install php 7.3 with httpd 2.4 on centos 6

I have CentOS6-equivalent systems (Amazon Linux original, not Linux 2) that I upgraded to Apache httpd 2.4. Now I want to upgrade PHP from 7.1 to 7.3. As far as I can tell, the Remi repo only provides ...
DanF's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Can't install amazon-linux-extras pm AWS EC2 Amazon Linux AMI instance

I'm trying to install amazon-linux-extras using the instructions here: sudo yum install -y amazon-linux-extras And I get the following error: amzn-main ...
Aerodynamika's user avatar
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Linux service is listening and responding on ports it wasn't assigned and that don't show up in netstat

I have an Amazon Linux 1 instance that was created from a Solarwinds DPA AMI. I created this around 2 years ago. It is possible I did something weird back then to make this happen. Today, I upgraded ...
Appleoddity's user avatar
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Locked of Server, how to run sudo passwordless

Here is the issue Created a new server with Amazon Linux 2 Removed ssh-key from default root user (ec2-user) Created two new accounts with sudo access without a password Now I got locked out of the ...
asosnovsky's user avatar
9 votes
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Docker changes IPtables FORWARD policy to DROP

I've got OpenVPN on Amazon Linux 2 EC2 instance and need to forward packets through it. It works until I start docker on the instance. Then the FORWARD policy turns to DROP and VPN stops working. [...
KeepLearning's user avatar
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Amazon Linux: yumm install php73 > "No package php73 available"

On an Amazon EC2 Linux server, I've run: sudo su - yum -y update yum install -y php73 I receive the error No package php73 available. I've been able to install httpd, php, & php-mysql okay. ...
Steve's user avatar
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2 votes
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Amazon Linux - yum update fails with HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden

I have an Amazon Linux v1 instance in us-west-2 (Oregon) that is failing yum update as per below. This is an old instance that's been working fine for a few years, updated to a t3a.nano a few months ...
Tim's user avatar
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Installing LetsEncrypt SSL on Amazon Linux with Nginx + PHP-FPM gives "The connection was reset" error

It's been a while since I needed ServerFault, I hope someone can help me. I am trying to secure my Laravel (PHP) application running on Amazon Linux with LetsEncrypt free SSL. Using certbot-auto, I ...
Latheesan's user avatar
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Does SElinux in enforcing mode cause delays in file access?

I have enabled SElinux in enforcing mode on Amazon Linux and see that the time taken for file access (read/write/update) has increased by an average of 2-4 seconds. The source process is Salt and the ...
sce's user avatar
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Tomcat 8.5.40 does not work after Amazon linux O.S. upgrade to Version 3.1.6

I am a java developer, and our web application have been running on AWS Beanstalk over AWS EC2 instances with Java-8, Tomcat 8.5 and 64-bit Amazon Linux/3.0.1. Recently, as per security team's ...
Tushar G's user avatar
2 votes
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Where should init scripts be placed in Amazon Linux 2?

In the Amazon Linux 2 release notes, Amazon advises that initscripts should no longer exist in /etc/init.d Amazon Linux 2 uses the systemd 219 init system to bootstrap userspace and manage system ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Apache graceful restart is failing with no errors

I'm writing a script to gracefully restart Apache in a AWS Elastic Beanstalk application every hour. This is needed so that new SSL certificates are loaded. The app serves multiple websites on ...
Vic's user avatar
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Configured repository failed for Icinga2 on Amazon Linux EC2

added the epel release repo and the Icinga2 repo into my instance based on this guide while installing Icinga2 with sudo yum install icinga2 i am getting
machy's user avatar
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Problems Installing Pacemaker in AWS Amazon Linux

I am trying to install Pacemaker in my Amazon Linux and I couldn't find it in the repo anymore following this tutorial with sudo yum install pacemaker. i then further search and found this, and to no ...
machy's user avatar
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Apache appears to be ignoring my .htaccess file, despite mod_rewrite being enabled and AllowOveride all

System specifications: Amazon Linux AMI release 2017.03 Apache/2.4.33 (Amazon) PHP 5.6.36 DNS is handled by Cloudflare Here are my VirtualHosts: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot "/var/www/...
jvnk's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't install Mysql on Linux -- Mysql website failing?

I'm attempting to install mysql on Amazon Linux 2. I followed the instructions in the first answer here: amazon linux 2 ami - aws - How to install mysql in Amazon Linux 2? When I type: sudo yum ...
Shef's user avatar
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