I want to protect an entire server with Require valid-user, but I want to allow certain resources to be accessible without a login. For the sake of argument, say that files A, B, and C should be public. I've tested this requirement with the config below:

<Location "/">
  AuthType openid-connect
  Require  valid-user

<Directory "/var/www/data">
  Require all denied
  <Files "A">                                                                                           
   Allow from all
   Satisfy Any
  <Files "B">
    Require all granted
    Satisfy Any
  <Files "C">
    Require all granted

For this config, A and B work as expected (the files can be viewed without a login), but C doesn't work.

The configuration for file A (with allow and satisfy) is recommended by the 2.4 documentation (under "Another frequent use of the Satisfy directive is to relax access restrictions for a subdirectory").

The config for file B is the obvious equivalent without allow, but still requires a satisfy, since the config for file C doesn't work.

The problem is that satisfy is deprecated in 2.5, so how do I get this to work for 2.5? RequireAny only works within a single directory, unlike satisfy, so doesn't seem to be the right answer. I haven't tested a RequireAny that encloses all of AuthType, Require valid-user, and Require all granted for every resource that has to be public - there must be a better way.


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