I have a regional AWS ApiGateway instance configured in the us-east-1 region with a custom domain name (api.stage.aws.stckdapp.com).

It's working fine accessed from Toronto, ON, Canada, but for some reason the DNS resolution is failing when tried from San Francisco, CA.

Not sure if this helps, but I also configured an AWS Route 53 health check which is also failing frequently (in different regions all over the world) with this message: Failure: DNS resolution failed: Rcode NXDomain(3)

I have an AWS Route 53 hosted zone set up with an A record pointing to the ApiGateway's default endpoint (xxxxxx.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com.).

  • Could you give more details on how you created the custom domain name? Did you happen to use the API Gateway console or just added a register in Route53? Is your record an alias? Is Route53 the owner of the domain?
    – palvarez
    Feb 27 at 13:36
  • @palvarez both the ApiGateway custom domain name and the Route53 record were created by AWS CDK. The Route53 record is an alias indeed and stage.aws.stckdapp.com is a hosted zone in Route53.
    – David Kiss
    Feb 28 at 23:46


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