I noticed AWS Lambda causes S3 tier 1 and 2 requests. Do these cost anything after 12 months free tier expires?


  • Create new AWS Lambda function in AWS console causes 1 tier 1 S3 request
    • Amazon Simple Storage Service Requests-Tier1: $x per request - PUT, COPY, POST, or LIST requests: 1 Request
  • Delete AWS Lambda function in AWS console causes 1 tier 2 S3 request
    • Amazon Simple Storage Service Requests-Tier1: $x per request - GET and all other requests: 1 Request

I am not using AWS S3 (no buckets in all regions).

You can try creating or deleting an AWS Lambda function, then check https://console.aws.amazon.com/billing/home (expand details: Simple Storage Service > Region > Tier 1 and Tier 2 requests) after a day when it has been updated.

Is this a bug or have I missed something in their overly complex pricing scheme?


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