Does Laravel tend to be much more slower than Node JS? Or is it just me that doesn't know that Laravel have certain limiter or anything when runs in local machine (even though using production environment on the .env)

Let see this basic landing page of laravel starter page runs on both Node JS (Express) and Laravel 10.:

Laravel structure folder & NodeJS Express structure folder

Both renders the same page HTML of Laravel starter page, the welcome.blade.php and the index.html. But when i try to test the load by using wrk with same configuration, it shows huge difference:

$ wrk -c 400 -d 10s -t 8 --latency http://localhost

Laravel 10 only capable handle 1397 requests

NodeJS Express can handle 39412 requests

Those image result provided below:

Laravel 10 Result & Nodejs Result

Am I missing something? Both runs on the same environment


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