
I have set up Canonical's Landscape server locally (standalone method) to manage our Ubuntu servers. We use Landscape for managing the servers/VMs, and also to provide a local copy of the Ubuntu distribution LTS repositories (bionic, focal, jammy). This is working fine; all of the VMs are getting the appropriate updates from our local Landscape repo.

To create the repos using the 'landscape-api' command I used:

landscape-api create-distribution ubuntu
landscape-api create-series jammy ubuntu  --pockets release,updates,security --components main,restricted,universe,multiverse  --architectures amd64  --gpg-key mirror-key  --mirror-uri http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/  --mirror-series jammy

This created a repo for the series 'jammy' including the three 'pockets' release, updates, and security, and the four 'components' main,restricted,universe, and multiverse. Synchronizing these three pockets works perfectly, so I think I understand how to set this up for mirroring the standard Ubuntu repos.

I have also been locally mirroring nginx.org stable using aptly and adding the appropriate entries in each client VM's /etc/apt/sources.list.d. The problem is when the Landscape repository profile is applied to the client, all of the existing sources.list.d entries are disabled in favour of the Landscape ones.

Canonical support suggested I use Landscape to manage all repos to avoid the disabled-repo problem, but didn't provide any guidance for non-Canonical mirroring.

Is it possible to use the landscape-api to locally mirror and distribute the nginx.org-stable repo? If so, what would I use for the "components" and "pockets"? aptly doesn't seem too concerned about pockets and components, so it didn't come up there. I've tried various combinations (guessing), but nothing works; when I try to sync the pocket(s) I get a response from the Landscape server indicating "Unknown pocket". Would I start by creating a new distribution called "nginx", too? Or re-use "ubuntu"?


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