This question is related with the following one: How to enable IMAP php extension on aws EC2 instance but they are completely different.

I use PHP 8.1 and Amazon Linux 2023, this version does not have "amazon-linux-extras", so I can´t install it.

In the following link we can see the list of packages, if we filter by "php8.1" we will see that "php8.1-imap" does not exist: All the packages AL2023

I think I need to run the following command: sudo yum install libc-client-devel uw-imap-static openssl-devel -y but only "openssl-devel" is part of the list of packages of AL2023, I have no idea how to install it.


1 Answer 1


Enabling the IMAP PHP extension on Amazon Linux 2023, which does not support amazon-linux-extras, involves a few steps.

Here are three specific things to try:

Install Development Tools: You'll likely need development tools to compile the IMAP extension from source. This can be done using the command:

sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

Compile the IMAP Extension from Source: The steps typically include navigating to the php/ext/imap directory within the PHP source code and then using phpize, ./configure, and make to compile the extension.

Configuration: After compiling the IMAP extension, you will need to configure PHP to use the new extension. This involves adding the extension=imap.so line to your php.ini file or a specific *.ini file within the conf.d directory. Restarting the web server or the PHP-FPM service will be necessary to apply the changes. On Amazon Linux, you might use:

sudo nano /etc/php.d/30-imap.ini

And add:


Then restart your HTTP server or PHP-FPM process​​.

  • The last step is done, but I would love if you include step by step of the step 2, I mean "Compile the IMAP Extension from Source"
    – Carlos
    Nov 26 at 12:12

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