I'm creating incremental backups for a database. The size is around 8 GB per dump.

I have a backup creation policy, that looks like this: (don't worry, I already avoided collisions)

  • An increment every hour, every day. (saved in /hourly)
  • An increment every day, at midnight. (saved in /daily)
  • An increment every Sunday, at midnight. (saved in /weekly)
  • An increment every 1st of the month, at midnight. (saved in /monthly)

All of these backups are saved in a S3 bucket.

The thing is, i need to maximize efficiency when creating and restoring to duplicity.

For example:

A dump takes approximately 30/40 minutes to restore. This is because my backup chain is almost a week old, and it has to download all the chain, decrypt and decompress each of the increment, one by one.

I tried doing the same with the backups that are done daily, and since less than a week happened, duplicity only had to download a few files, do the rest (decompress, decrypt), and voilà, it took 5 minutes, which is acceptable.

My idea is to create a new backup chain every week, but the last few days of the week, will have the most increments, thus, the slowest restore time.

I need some help to improve this time as much as it's possible, or at least, just improve it. While reading the man page, i came across some interesting flags, such as --copy-blocksize, --full-if-older-than (to create a new chain every week), --max-blocksize, --s3-multipart-chunk-size, --s3-multipart-max-procs, --s3-unencrypted-connection (maybe?).

What I'm asking is for advice to improve the time to restore a file with duplicity. Currently, I'm doing this, to restore the last backup available.

PASSPHRASE="<redacted>" duplicity restore s3://<redacted>/daily/ database-daily.sql

Also, an important fact is the hardware that I'm running this on:

  Server Type:  ccx43 (ID: 99)
  ID:       99
  Name:     ccx43
  Description:  CCX43 Dedicated CPU
  Cores:    16
  CPU Type: dedicated
  Memory:   64 GB
  Disk:     160 GB
  Storage Type: local
  OS flavor:    debian
  OS version:   12


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