I sent a SIGUSR1 signal to the dnsmasq process to make it write statistics to the system log. Here's an excerpt of what dnsmasq wrote to the system log:

daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: Host                                     Address                        Flags      Expires
daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: www.youtube.com                                                         CF         Fri Dec  1 18:30:12 2023
daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: ip6-allnodes                   ff02::1                                  6FRI   H
daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: contacts.fe.apple-dns.net                             4F         Fri Dec  1 18:31:07 2023
daemon.info dnsmasq[1]: play.google.com                                  4F         Fri Dec  1 18:33:33 2023

This appears to be a list of unexpired DNS cache entries. However, I don't understand the meaning of the "Flags" column. What do "CF", "6FRI H", and "4F" mean?


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