In nginx I want to redirect user based on access and proxy headers. When I put it to the response header, they are shown correctly in the browser. But when using in lua to redirect with an if it does not.

For user with access app creates string isprotectedfalse and for guests I get isprotected

        add_header X-User-Access-Flag  $userinfo$arg_limit$upstream_http_x_doc_protection; #this works
        if ($http_x_user_access_flag = "isprotected") { #this doesnt
          return 302 $scheme://$http_host$uri?limit=true;

and similar code but in lua:

             rewrite_by_lua_block {
                local params = ngx.req.get_uri_args()
                local limit = params["limit"]
                local headers = ngx.resp.get_headers()
                local useraccesss = headers["X-User-Access-Flag"]
                if useraccesss == "isprotected" and limit == nil then
                    local delimiter = (ngx.var.is_args == "" or ngx.var.is_args == nil) and "?" or "&"
                    local new_url = ngx.var.request_uri .. delimiter .. "limit=true" 
                    return ngx.redirect(new_url)

why is it not redirecting as expected?

Edit: From using header_filter_by_lua_block

I have manage to access them from ngx.var['upstream_http_x_user_access_flag'] which is used before the lua block to set X-User-Access-Flag (from proxy_pass). But sadly server errors on redirection try. Seems at this point headers are already sent (but I am still able to set a custom header there?! so this is confusing.

I can not access such ngx.var from rewrite_by_lua_block as this has not performed proxy_pass yet. How could I access this variables after auth and proxy_pass and redirect based on aquired headers?

  • 1
    You are using $upstream_ variable, but rewrite directives execute before proxying and $upstream_ variables are not available at this time. For lua you probably could use body_filter_by_lua_block/header_filter_by_lua_block. Or, maybe, you need something simpler like auth_request.
    – Alexey Ten
    Nov 23 at 13:59
  • switching header_filter_by_lua_block does not change anything. Should it be available there?
    – Trouble
    Nov 23 at 14:07
  • I have manage to access them from ngx.var['upstream_http_x_user_access_flag'] which is used before the lua block to set X-User-Access-Flag. But sadly server errors on redirection try. Seems at this point headers are already send (but I am still able to set a custom header there, so this is confusing. I can not access such ngx.var from rewrite_by_lua_block. How could I access and redirect?
    – Trouble
    Nov 24 at 1:28


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