
I try to configure a vhost for my vdi (citrix) configuration. The conf makes me crazy! I must use ssl_preread to get working. Actually, my configuration of NGINX is made over CWP. I have a subdmain portal.xxx.net with a reverse to the citrix gateway, located in /etc/nginx/conf.d/vhosts/portal.xxx.conf. When I add ssl_preread=on; I have error like: directive is not allowed here After some research, I see that I must use "stream" directive. I add the stream configuration into the vhost configuration but same error: directive is not allowed here. I see that I must add the stream conf outside the http conf, but i'm using a vhost... Cannot do it in the nginx.conf. I'm completly lost...

Thx for your help

  • 1
    Your post reads like a rant, not a description of a problem, the desired outcome, supporting evidence and analysis
    – symcbean
    Nov 17 at 13:51
  • Also, see nginxconfig.io for all your nginx config needs. It's a tool by Digital Ocean that helps you customize nginx.conf for almost any case.
    – suchislife
    Nov 19 at 15:33

1 Answer 1


To configure NGINX with ssl_preread for your Citrix setup, you need to use the stream directive in a separate context from your regular HTTP server blocks. ssl_preread is used within the stream context for TCP load balancing with SSL/TLS SNI (Server Name Indication) awareness. Here's how you can structure it:

  • Create a New Stream Configuration File: Since you're using CWP and have your virtual hosts configured in /etc/nginx/conf.d, create a new file for your stream configuration, say /etc/nginx/conf.d/stream.conf.
  • Configure the Stream Block: In this file, define a stream block and use ssl_preread within a server block inside it.
  • Link to Your Citrix Gateway: Direct the traffic to your Citrix gateway based on the SNI.

Here's an example configuration:

stream {
    server {
        listen 443;
        ssl_preread on;

        # Use the SNI to route to the appropriate backend
        resolver valid=30s; # Adjust the resolver as needed
        proxy_pass $ssl_preread_server_name:$server_port;

        # Additional configurations as needed

Basically, you create a new configuration file in /etc/nginx/conf.d for the stream block, separate from your HTTP configurations. In this file, you define a stream server that listens on port 443, enables ssl_preread, and routes traffic based on SNI to your Citrix gateway.

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