This is the URL that I need to remove the last segment (?order=asc)


This is the code I'm trying:

location ~ ^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/page/(\d+)/ {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;
    # Capture the 2 segments and page number
    set $segment_1 $1;
    set $segment_2 $2;
    set $page_number $4;
    # Redirect without the sufix
    rewrite ^ /$segment_1/$segment_2/page/$page_number/ permanent;

1 Answer 1


The location and rewrite directives process the normalised URI which does not include the query string (which you have called "the last segment").

The query string is available in the $args variable.

The rewrite directive can optionally remove the original query string by appending a ? to the end of the replacement value.

For example:

rewrite ^ /$segment_1/$segment_2/page/$page_number/? permanent;

Also, in your example code:

  • The page number is captured in $3 and not $4
  • The try_files statement is probably redundant as Nginx will always evaluate the set and rewrite directives first.

is evaluated first

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