I want to use setfacl to allow a php script owner to delete fastcgi_cache_path files that are owned by nginx. The user has been added to the nginx group.

I have tried: setfacl -d -m u:user:rwx cache, but it's not working. The script is not even seeing the file using file_exists() though I've verified it does exist at that location.

What do I need to do? Thanks for any help.

1 Answer 1


A thought of permissions, are you sure that the designated user has at least 'x' access to the all elements in the entire directory path?

For example, suppose you have a path such as /a/cache. If the user has NO access to directory /a then the user will be unable to see, much less access, the file cache regardless of its permission.

  • I added the 'setfacl' starting with the 'cache' directory. The full path is: /var/lib/nginx/cache/ ... all the cache files get created in subfolders of that. Nov 29 at 9:00

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