With reference to the following command:

knife node show hostname

I see output for:

Run List:

What does Recipes: mean in this context? I presume it means that these are the recipes executed by the Chef node?

The reason for my question is as follows.

Assume a cookbook:recipe of cookbook_a:default.

If I search for cookbooks:

knife search node "cookbooks:cookbook_a"

I get a long list of nodes which are pulling cookbook_a through Berks dependencies.

If I execute the following more specific search for recipes:

knife search node "recipes:cookbook_a\:\:*"

I get a much shorter list of nodes.

When I query knife node show hostname for any of these nodes, I can see cookbook_a:default listed under Recipes in the output. But I only see this on these nodes, not on the the longer list of nodes from the previous search command.

My understanding is that if a cookbook is pulled by a node, it will automatically execute the default recipe.

So if the cookbook is being pulled by lots of nodes, why isn't the default recipe listed as being executed on all these nodes?


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