I have create a new user group [Group A] in Windows Server, create a new user [User 1] as member of [Group A].

If I set a folder security to [Allow] by user [User 1], the setting will work, [User 1] can access the folder.

If I set the folder security to [Allow] by user group [Group A], the setting not work, [User 1] cannot access the folder even [User 1] is member of [Group A]

What I expect is I should able to set folder security by [User Group] instead of setting by [User]

Any steps I missing or wrong?

Thanks in advance

1 Answer 1


The User must log off and log on again, otherwise the new group membership will not be effective.

  • or the user can run klist purge to delete existing Kerberos tickets. These get recreated when the user reauthenticates to stuff in the background - no logoff required.
    – LeeM
    Sep 9, 2020 at 1:50
  • @TrixM You can do that in a lab or for testing purposes but I wouldn't recommend doing that in production. Weird behavior can occur until you log off/on again, see the documentation.
    – Swisstone
    Sep 9, 2020 at 4:27
  • Yes, I know. I have seen the doco, quite a lot in 20+ years.. But it's quick and easy and works nearly all the time. Definitely not a substitute for logging off regularly to keep things fresh, but for a quick check it's fine. Thus the comment and not a full answer. Also, it doesn't hurt anything in a production environment. If it doesn't seem to help, then the fallback is simply logging off/on again.
    – LeeM
    Sep 9, 2020 at 6:11
  • Thanks all for your advice. My mistake, I just disconnect rather than sign out from server. The folder security work after I sign out and sign in again.
    – ruby.lee
    Sep 18, 2020 at 5:02

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