Questions tagged [directory]

A directory, also commonly called a folder, is a filesystem object used for organizing files and other directories.

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Newbie needs to scale

We are a tiny firm right now but are fortunate that over the next 90 days we'll go from under 10 users to maybe 4/500. I'm knowledgeable enough to know that this is the time to get things right, maybe ...
Embarrassed Coder's user avatar
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NGINX config for multiple Symfony installations using subfolders

I have a shopware installation (version running on my domain. I want to add more independent Shopware installations, using the same domain (for different languages/countries). For example, ...
dorina's user avatar
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sanitize folder names before creation

How prevent the injection when creating folders with user supplied paths in a unix like system? Ideally subfolders can be created only in selected or working folder. Although the creation of folder in ...
Serge's user avatar
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Apache rewrite rule for a folder to a different domain

I need to redirect all requests concerning a folder to another (old) web server called www2 keeping the entire original path, for example must ...
Steph's user avatar
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Delete folders asynchronously

I have a large file system in which I have to delete certain directories from time to time. Currently I have a script which amongst other things, deletes a folder and subsequently generates an email ...
loris's user avatar
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Isolating a WordPress wesbite within a sub-directory of another

Is it possible to isolate a website within a sub-directory of another on a WHM server? And by isolate, I mean in the event that website within the sub-directory is compromised any malware is contained ...
Levi Cole's user avatar
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Free up space on C drive Server 2016

I have a server running Server 2016 and the C drive is getting full. This server's only role is to run an accounting program (MRI) that requires SQL Server. I have two SQL Server files in the ...
Platinum Goose's user avatar
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Mount CIFS is seeing directory on network share only if extra directory is created

On my CentOS ver 7, I have mounted drive from Windows Server 2019 (with shared name "Backup-disk"), and on this drive I have two directories ("A" and "B"). Now I have ...
DaniKR's user avatar
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Set folder permission by OU

I'm attempting to setup folder permissions on my DC to a shared desktop. I have an OU containing the users I want to allow to view this folder, and a GPO which handles the permissions linked to the OU....
Thomton's user avatar
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Nginx Server with multiple applications on sub-directories

My team has a server we use for internal tools and tests. It has a subdomain pointing to it: What we're trying to achieve is to have multiple applications, each with under a ...
RAMIREZ's user avatar
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Apache 2.4: owncloud in sub-directory outside of DocumentRoot

I am working on moving current setup of owncloud from sub-domain to sub-directory to make all my apps covered by one SSL certificate. The problem is ...
Green Root's user avatar
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NGINX file server with symlinks

This is a bit of a beginner question, but I'm trying to make Nginx serve a static file server that contains symlinked folders. Eg, the root directory might contain directories A and B, which each ...
ak0000's user avatar
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proftpd join multiple paths into single virtual filesystem for specified user

I've tryed configure proftpd for specified user, that join at least two directory paths as single filesystem tree, including chroot option (rootdir). Is it possible any way? Proftpd has support for ...
Znik's user avatar
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Nginx - Reverse proxy serving ScreenConnect does not prepend subdirectory

I am running an unsecured ScreenConnect web interface on a machine on my local network. I would like to serve it through port 443 using nginx's reverse proxy, and access it via: https://<WAN.IP....
SeatbeltHands's user avatar
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Redirect to folder only if root from other site referrer

I have a redirect from root to subfolder. If user visits it redirects to But I want it not to redirect if referrer is my site, so user can reach root ...
Stas Ponomaryov's user avatar
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Where to find the website folder in ubuntu server?

So someone gave me the task to find where is the website code exist on ubuntu server when I look at the the index.html file path it is /var/www/ but when I go to /var/www directory I ...
adnan ijaz's user avatar
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NGINX getting an application in a subfolder to work with redirects

I've installed Mautic in a subfolder like: Most of Mautic is working fine with my configuration (admin panel, using Mautic etc.) but for some redirects in my subfolder, I get a 404: ...
Chris's user avatar
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Copy files from the same subdirectory to the same Directory in Windows

I am having a hard time describing the problem and I can't find the solution anywhere so here is an example SourceFolder\ProjectA\Legal\ContractA.txt SourceFolder\ProjectB\Legal\ContractB.txt ...
Artrelay's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up an alias on an Active Directory domain controller Linux server? [closed]

We have a Red Hat Enterprise based Linux distro that is the domain controller for a bunch of Win 10 clients. Some clients are not in the right AD domain (they are on a former domain that was used ...
Endre Szatmári's user avatar
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Directory not read

I have a problem with a user's folder. ls -la shows the permissions as ???? instead of drwx. I tried with sudo chmod ug+rw -R /path/folder to reassign the value but it doesn't change. How can i make ...
Graziano Giacobazzi's user avatar
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nginx - subfolders alias include all subfolder

I'm currently trying to fiddle around with a location block that has a different root. However I have some issues when accessing files that are in a subfolder on the different root. Here is my broken ...
Aebian's user avatar
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No such file or directory in sh file running

It may be duplicate because there is some similar question but I am not able to fix it, that's why I ask again with my code. My sh have these code: cd /home/ git fetch ...
Shiv Singh's user avatar
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batch folder rename on macos / linux

I have 500+ folders which are named with this pattern: May 2020 The folders contain photos, but for some reason the photos creation date in the meta is wrong, or was overwritten. The correct ...
zippy-flop's user avatar
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Nginx and PHP-FPM with subdirectory variable - sends file instead of parsing

Wit the following setup I don't know how to make nginx pass the CGI request to the index script in the appropriate version subdirectory. It instead serves the index as a download. PHP-FPM is a linked ...
Jacek Krysztofik's user avatar
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How to get the nearest subdirectory of a file as output in PowerShell?

I need to get only the nearest subdirectory and file name from the file path as follows. Ex:- (1)E:\Dump\DumpText-1.txt - Dump\DumpText-1.txt (2)E:\Dump\SubDump1\DumpText-1.txt - SubDump1\DumpText-1....
Dhanushka Ekanayake's user avatar
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Can OpenLDAP deliver operational attributes by default?

I have configured OpenLDAP with the memberOf overlay and everything works as expected for me. I can see the group memberships in the operational attributes of an object. Now i am running into the ...
user666346's user avatar
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Errors structure in Openldap

I have a question concerning Openldap. I'm using a solution(PingFederate) that gets errors from openldap to do different things depending on the filter. For example i can say : detect the invalid DN ...
Adam Kejji's user avatar
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subdomain vs subfolder in site address

I have a main website, from which users can navigate to several web applications. I'm trying to decide if the URL for an application should be as a sub-domain or as a sub-directory, namely which of ...
bavaza's user avatar
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"Combine" multiple FTP directories so they appear as one

I own a website that allows users to upload files. I have MY files on there as well, but I don't want to mix their files with mine, just in case somebody puts a bunch of malicious files and need to be ...
Syllith's user avatar
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WP with reverse proxy: Accessing Admin section from subdomain

I have a blog on a subdomain (WP installation), which for SEO reasons I’m moving to a folder structure. The subdomain and the main site are on different servers/platforms, so I’m using a reverse proxy....
Dalv's user avatar
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Ubuntu Apache Subdomain not Displaying

Using Ubuntu 18.04 I have my main website, all the files are hosted in /var/www/html/ and it works as expected. I would now like to make a new website in a subdomain
TheOrdinaryGeek's user avatar
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Move files older than day

I am looking for some solution, where I have to move all the directories and files under the source directory to the destination a day before. I want to move the directories till yesterday but not ...
nasa's user avatar
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User-Permission on Folder without affecting owner:group

How can I allow a specific user on my Ubuntu desktop to view/open all folders and files in a specific location without affecting or changing the owner:group of that location? Until now I need to ...
Omexlu's user avatar
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Nginx subdomain + subfolder to subfolder

The goal is to load pages from using and all the posts, categories and authors. location /blog(/.*)$ { rewrite ^ $1 break; proxy_set_header Host $host; ...
Volkan Kaya's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 to Microsoft Active Directory Integration

I'm having an issue integrating Ubuntu with a Windows Active Directory, the "Realm Discover" always fails to find any realm at all. My DNS server is absolutely fine and I am using Ubuntu 20....
Turbotim's user avatar
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SFTP Chroot write in chrooted /

Hey, I'd like to write with the chrooted user in his / but i can't. Example: i have /home/sftponly/ as ChrootDirectory Inside has to be another Directory with Permissions to this User, otherwise i ...
roseroserh's user avatar
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is the linux directory inode different then the file inode?

Im currently reading the book "How Linux Works" by Brian Ward and on chapter 4.5 it is said "A directory inode contains a list of filenames and corresponding links to other inodes&...
amos-baron's user avatar
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Compare 2 Directories and Move Differences to a Third directory

Running Ubuntu 20.04 and want to compare two directories called 1 and 2 and move differences to a separate directory called 3, ideally conserving the subdirectories. I am able to get almost the ...
Tebbers's user avatar
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Ridiculous Number of Files in a Directory

My employer acquired a company with one particular piece of software that stores a lot of PDF and PNG file files in one directory. When I first replicated it from AWS, there were about 11.5 million ...
scarville's user avatar
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What does "Promote this server to domain controller" actually mean, when the server is already a DC?

Apologies in advance, I've already Googled this and I keep finding things about domain controllers not promoting, etc. I found one question that was close, but they didn't actually go into depth about ...
perqyt's user avatar
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How to permanently remove directory in CentOS?

I have a directory I want to remove in /opt/ [user /] $ sudo su [root /] # cd /opt [root opt] # rm -rf tomcat9 [root opt] # ls [root opt] # ls tomcat9 But i still cannot seem to remove the tomcat9 ...
Noose780's user avatar
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Windows cannot set folder security by user group

I have create a new user group [Group A] in Windows Server, create a new user [User 1] as member of [Group A]. If I set a folder security to [Allow] by user [User 1], the setting will work, [User 1] ...
ruby.lee's user avatar
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Rsyslog keeps writing to /var/log/messages and subfolders

I have a rsyslog on CentOS 8 where I configured several systems to subfolders with this part of config $template RemoteLogs,"/var/log/hosts/%HOSTNAME%/%$YEAR%/%$MONTH%/%$DAY%/syslog.log" *.* ...
wojcieh's user avatar
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Explanation :File permissions override folder permissions, unless the Full Control permission has been granted to the folder

According to the article: The hierarchy of precedence for the permissions can be summarized as follows, with the higher precedence permissions listed ...
quangkid's user avatar
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How to move a website to a new server? [closed]

I am going to move my website to a new server. I need to copy the /var/www directory to the new server. Should I use SCP or RSYNC ?
Mathieu's user avatar
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nginx redirects subdirectory requests without trailing slash to a URL with specified port

I have the following problem. In my local test configuration, when I try to access https://www.testdomain.local/admin it will always redirect me to https://www.testdomain.local:8443/admin/ which ...
Marcel Linke's user avatar
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How can I rsync a directory that might be busy with updating files?

I would like to transfer a directory of files to a remote destination. Easy. However, at any given time, one or many of these files may be in-use and being updated by users. This doesn't bother rsync ...
user227963's user avatar
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How can I fetch the junk folder from office365 into another imap server?

Office365 put the received mail in the INBOX folder, but also it puts many good emails in the junk folder. How can I fetch the emails from the junk folder into a local imap account, putting them in ...
Paolo Subiaco's user avatar
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OpenLDAP vs Google Secure LDAP

I work on a school (500 students + 50 teachers) and we have: G suite for education RADIUS server for WiFi WPA auth Moodle Another apps with auth (big blue button, Emby, Sinology, closed web, forms ......
Ishen's user avatar
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set permission automatically to all subfolder and subfiles in specific folder

I want to set a folder such that anything created within it (directories, files) inherit default permissions and group , by anyuser (root also) so , the content of this folder will be deleted by my ...
Quentin Merlin's user avatar

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